Around the health sciences. Scientific yearbook
Welcome to the website of the journal Acta Salutem Scientiae.
We invite anyone interested in issues in the Health Sciences to submit for publishing. We encourage you to visit the website and learn more about our magazine and the archive issues
Editorial Team
Acta Salutem Scientiae is a scientific journal of Health Sciences, with topics covering the following scientific disciplines:
- nutrition and dietetics, - physiotherapy, - health care financing, - health policy and services,
- nursing, - public and environmental health,
- medical ethics, - sports and fitness science,
- socio-medical sciences, as well as preventive health and healthy living and issues related to urological and gynaecological rehabilitation.
The publisher of Acta Salutem Scientiae is Sofra Health Institute sp. z o.o., based in Mielno. It has the status of a medical entity and an entry in the register of the West Pomeranian Governor. The Institute focuses its activities on the prevention and promotion of healthy eating, including through treatment and rehabilitation programs based on diets developed by Ewa Dabrowska, MD PhD, in particular the vegetable and fruit cleansing diet. The Sofra Health Institute also conducts scientific-research activities by, among other things, organising scientific conferences, publishing scientific publications, and supporting the scientific development of the Institute's staff. Acta Salutem Scientiae is an integral part of these activities.
The editorial team includes:
The review process for articles submitted for publication in Acta Salutem Scientiae follows the guidelines of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. It is carried out according to the following scheme:
Formal and editorial guidelines for Authors are included in the file below.
Authors whose publications will be accepted for publication are required to fill out a statement and send it to the editor's address. A template of the statement has been included in the file below.
Editorial address:
Instytut Zdrowia Sofra sp. z o.o.,
im. Ewy i Sobiesława Zasady sp. z o.o.,
76-032 Mielno, ul. Chełmońskiego 2
(Urszula Kosowska, MA)
The review criteria determining the decision of acceptance for publication is available in the file below.
Contact us
Editorial Secretary:
Urszula Kosowska, MA
Research and Development Department Coordinator,
76-032 Mielno, ul. Chełmońskiego 2; E:
T: +48 696 14 25 77
Editorial office:
Instytut Zdrowia Sofra sp. z o.o.,
76-032 Mielno, ul. Chełmońskiego 2
(mgr Urszula Kosowska)