Beans is a very valuable product. It comes in different varieties, thanks to which it can be easily incorporated into many dishes, including sweet ones. However, its preparation requires our commitment and that is why not everyone is willing to use it. Learn how to cook beans and learn about their health-promoting properties.
Bean belongs to the seeds of legume plants. It is an annual plant with nearly 20 species. They vary in shape, color, size and taste. Here are the most frequently chosen types of beans:
white beans,
Red beans,
black beans,
green beans,
mung beans.
Beans is a very good vegetable source of protein. 100 g of beans provide about 21-25 g of protein. The dominant component of beans are assimilable carbohydrates, and their content is on average 41-47%. Beans is also a good source of dietary fiber, which constitutes about 15% of the weight of dry seeds.
In addition to the basic nutrients, beans contain vitamins, especially from the B group, folic acid, antioxidant compounds and minerals such as: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, sulphur.
Unlike many vegetables, beans are not considered low-calorie products.
The energy value of 100 g of dry seeds is 318 kcal for white beans, and 347 kcal for red and mung beans.
Yellow beans, also called asparagus beans, are eaten in pods and in terms of nutritional value, they do not resemble the above-mentioned beans. It has fewer macronutrients and lower caloric content.
Beans is a product of high nutritional value. Thanks to the high protein content, it is willingly chosen by vegans and vegetarians to supplement this ingredient.
Dietary fiber, although not a nutrient, is essential for the proper functioning of the body. It improves intestinal peristalsis, nourishes the proper intestinal microflora, regulates glycemia and cholesterol levels in the blood.
Both fiber and protein have a positive effect on body weight. By eating a product rich in these ingredients, we are able to ensure a longer feeling of satiety, and mild glucose fluctuations prevent hunger and reduce the desire for sweets. For this reason, beans is a product that should not be missing in a slimming diet.
The consumption of beans is an important element of preventive health care. The ingredients contained in it reduce the risk of e.g. obesity, atherosclerosis, cancer.
Beans must be soaked in cold water for 8-12 hours. After changing the water, it should be boiled until tender, which can take 45-90 minutes depending on the variety. Please refer to the information on the packaging.
Don't have time to cook? Reach for boiled beans. They are sold mainly in cans, although more and more often you can also find products available in jars.
Due to the high content of oligosaccharides beans is a hard to digest product with bloating properties. Long-term soaking of beans reduces their content a little, but people on a light diet should not reach for it.
White beans is a product that is willingly used in traditional Polish cuisine. In turn, red beans are used to prepare Mexican-style dishes. It can be added to soups, pasta dishes, vegetable stews or prepare meatless cutlets and sandwich spreads. It is also suitable for baking cakes, such as bean brownies.
Not only vegans should reach for beans as a source of protein. Its consumption is also recommended for people on a traditional diet in order to reduce meat consumption. Excess meat, especially red meat, is not good for health, so it is worth using vegetable substitutes, such as beans.
Nutritionists at the Sofra Health Institute compose diets that are optimal for our health. They are based on plant products containing ingredients necessary to maintain well-being and reduce the risk of developing many diseases. In addition, eating little-processed food and reducing the caloric content of the diet helps to lose weight in a healthy way.
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