Cashew nuts are currently very popular. They are not the cheapest, but we still like them because of their delicate taste. There is no doubt that cashew nuts are healthy. It is worth getting to know their properties and the appropriate daily dose.
Cashew nuts, like other nuts, are rich in fats, as well as a large amount of protein and carbohydrates. 100 g of the product provides:
44 g of fat,
18 g of protein,
27 g of carbohydrates,
3 g of dietary fiber.
Cashew nuts are a rich source of minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, calcium, iron and vitamins (C, E, K and many B vitamins). It is therefore a product that perfectly complements various nutrients in the body.
A large amount of macronutrients results in a relatively high energy value. 100 g of cashew nuts have about 550 kcal.
Cashew nuts - properties
The health-promoting properties of cashew nuts make it worth reaching for in many disorders of the body's functioning. Of course, healthy people also benefit from their consumption.
Cashew nuts contain a lot of protein. This is very beneficial, especially among people on a slimming or vegan diet. A large amount of unsaturated fatty acids has a positive effect on cholesterol and the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and reduces the increase in blood sugar levels after a meal. The elements present in cashew nuts support the work of the heart, muscles and the hematopoietic system.
Are cashew nuts allergic?
Although research on reducing the allergenic properties of nuts has been conducted for many years, so far they are one of the most common and very strong allergens. Even 1 gram of cashew nuts can cause a strong allergic reaction, including a very severe one. For this reason, an allergy to cashew nuts is an absolute contraindication to their consumption. People prone to allergies who have not yet eaten cashews should start with a small amount and watch for allergic symptoms.
So what can replace cashew nuts when we can't eat them? If you are not allergic to other nuts, you can safely eat them. You can also reach for seeds, such as sesame or sunflower seeds. These products, although different in taste, have similar nutritional values.
How many cashew nuts should you eat a day?
Cashew nuts are a very healthy product, but you should not overdo it with their consumption. They contain a lot of calories in a small volume, so if you do not control their consumption, you can exceed your daily caloric requirement. In the long run, this will result in the appearance of extra pounds.
As with any other nuts, it is worth limiting yourself to 1-2 tablespoons a day, i.e. about 15-30 g. Such an amount will allow you to enjoy the health-promoting properties of cashew nuts and will not make you consume a lot of calories. Nuts can be added to oatmeal, homemade granola with yoghurt, smoothies or eaten as a standalone snack. Cashew nuts can also be sprinkled on savory dishes, especially from oriental cuisine.
Cashew nuts - price
Different kinds of nuts and seeds are not cheap products. Cashew nuts cost an average of PLN 45-55 per kg. They are a few or even a dozen zlotys more expensive than walnuts or hazelnuts grown in Poland. It is worth remembering, however, that we do not eat a large amount of nuts at one time, so the purchased package is usually enough for a long time.
Nuts and a healthy diet
Nuts are an excellent addition to a healthy diet. It is worth reaching for them especially when using diets excluding or limiting animal products, suffering from lipid metabolism disorders, atherosclerosis and in the prevention of these disorders. The fight against these diseases is also supported by the diets of Dr. Ewa Dąbrowska, which are offered by the Sofra Health Institute. During a visit to one of the Centers of the Institute, you will not only receive properly balanced, healthy meals, but you can also take advantage of consultations with Dr. Ewa Dąbrowska and dieticians.
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