The Baltic health diet, implemented at the Sofra Health Institute in Karpacz since February 4, 2023, is a suggestion for individuals wishing to lose weight, improve the body's immunity and fitness, and counteract civilization diseases.

The menu of the Baltic Health Diet includes fresh vegetables and fruits, olive oil, plant-based protein, seafood, fish, lean poultry, whole-grain bread, large amounts of fresh herbs, and the superfood chlorella.

The uniqueness of our diet suggestion provides:

- homemade high-fibre prebiotic breads,

- health-promoting fresh vegetable and fruit shakes with a reserved recipe, served daily as a snack,

- vegetables and fruits from certified sources and herbs grown in our organic greenhouses,

- OPTIONAL: four days of fasting every Monday and Thursday (during your 14-day stay), during which we serve you vegetable broth and herbal infusions.

Chlorella, known as the Japanese algae, is a superfood - a rich source of vitamins, amino acids, sugars, and nucleic acids. This alga is a vitamin bomb containing valuable nutrients, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids. In the Baltic health diet, it is used primarily as an addition to green smoothies.